Not many thing are as they used to be, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we are open and we follow the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s recommendations on COVID-19 so that you can experience the Marsfjäll mountain area in a safe manner.

Once you are on the snowmobile out in the mountains, it is easy to maintain distance and the risk of infection is small, but during pick-up and return of snowmobiles, we all need to do our part to help reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. We have taken a number of measures to deal with COVID-19 and we assume that you also take your own responsibility. On this page, you will find information on how we best can help each other to prevent the spread of infection.


• We urge all customers to maintain distance and to stay at home if they have the slightest symptoms of COVID-19.

• In our shop/reception, we only let one customer in at a time, and when doing pick-up and return of snowmobiles, we usually meet up outdoors for contract signing etc., or one person in the company can come into the shop/reception. (It rarely happens that a lot of customers visit our business at the same time, but when that happens, there is plenty of space outside our premises where you can wait for a little while, with good opportunities to maintain distance.)

• We handle all bookings via the website or telephone in order to reduce the risk of crowding and to prevent the spread of infection.

• In the shop/reception, hand sanitizer is available for customers and we have mounted plexiglass at the counter.

• We disinfect the credit card reader, door handles, the shop/reception counter, etc. regularly.

• The staff maintains good hand hygiene and stays at home if they have the slightest symptoms of COVID-19.

• During the pandemic, we offer free cancellation if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, without the requirement for a medical certificate.


• Stay at home if you have any symptoms of COVID-19.

• Keep your distance from others.

• Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, or use hand sanitizer.

• Wait outside the shop/reception and choose one person in your company who enters if needed. Keep your distance while you wait.

• Follow instructions from staff and authorities.